Reviews and testimonials

These reviews, testimonials and comments were provided by DiscountASP.NET TFS customers. To read more independent third party reviews of our hosting service, check out our company page on Trustpilot.

"I have been incredibly impressed with the customer service and attention to detail shown during our move to hosted TFS."
    - J. O'Doherty

"You know Discount.ASP.NET rocks! It was super, super easy to set up shop on your site. I really enjoyed using TFS as well. It made it so easy to collaborate with my friend who does all the front end work, and me who does all the code behind down to the database. I wouldn't go with another service provider. Thanks."
    - S. Gyves

"I signed up on Saturday last week and by Sunday evening was happily using TFS as I'm used to it. I'm a contract developer, and have only used TFS - but never set it up myself... As I worked through my problems your control panels and help were all good enough for me to get back on track, so well done to you all for providing a very practical service. Now, at long last, my personal development efforts have all the good things available to the professional shops, and I can sleep easier knowing my source exists in its entirety, with history, in another place. Good luck with this service, it is a long overdue facility and I'm sure will grow and grow for you."
    -L. Franklin

"We LOVE Hosted TFS with DiscountASP.NET! We are developing our own client management system and I often work from home as well as the office, using VS2010. Previously, I had to constantly worry about changes to the source code on my home PC and work PC, and which was the latest. I had used VSS before but your hosted option is absolutely perfect for us. Well done! The support is excellent, and TFS works really well. It's very solid I have to say and have had no issues so far. I would HIGHLY recommend Hosted TFS for anyone considering making the jump."
    - R. Fitzgerald

"We are in the middle of developing now and I would like to thank you again for [TFS hosting]. I've been working with a customized scrum template and it is a huge help for us... We can keep track, plan and manage and sync our project... In a form of feedback I would like to mention that your service is just fast and secure. At the moment of 'speaking' I am doing another project in VS with the usage of a subversion plugin to see the differences between those two and TFS is just way better in every aspect.. and your support is great. It is actually one of the best I've seen around."
    - K. Kesteloot

"Our transition moving to hosted TFS went very smoothly. We have not had any issues and are very happy with the service thus far. Thanks for providing this service for us. We are thrilled to not have to administer our local tfs anymore."
    - J. Keeley

"I just wanted to take a minute to thank you personally for DiscountASP.NET's most generous support of the Sangamon Valley .NET User Group (SVNUG) through hosting of our website, database, and TFS. Having moved to your hosting services and used them for several weeks now, it is definitely a night and day difference compared to our previous host. It is so wonderful that you are able to offer this level of support for technical communities such as ours. You have been so tremendously helpful. Thank you and DiscountASP.NET again for your continued support of the Sangamon Valley .NET User Group."
    - Sangamon Valley .NET User Group

"I've used TFS before and your service is working great. Keep up the great work."
    - D. Draper

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