The DiscountASP.NET Affiliate Program is free to join, and you earn cash or account credit for each new hosting account that signs up with an Affiliate ID you create. Earn up to $150 for each sale you refer on DiscountASP.NET hosting, TFS hosting and Everleap cloud hosting.
How are affiliate commissions paid?
Commissions are paid in US funds either via PayPal or as hosting account credit. Payments are requested through the Affiliate Control Panel. In order to request a payment, a minimum eligible threshold of $100 must be available for payment.
When are affiliate commissions paid?
Payment requests are processed on the 5th of each month, or the following business day if the 5th of the month falls on a U.S. holiday or weekend.
What is considered an affiliate sale?
Any annual or quarterly DiscountASP.NET hosting account or DiscountASP.NET Team Foundation Server hosting account or Everleap Cloud Hosting account that is opened using an Affiliate ID code in the order form
- or -
any hosting account that is opened via a click from a banner, text link, or text advertisement provided in the Affiliate Control Panel using the affiliate link.
Accounts that are opened using a promotion code are not eligible for affiliate commission credits.
Do I receive a commission when I open a hosting account for my own use?
You will receive a commission for any accounts that are opened using your Affiliate ID, even if you are opening the account for your own use.
Will I receive a commission for accounts that I referred before I joined the Affiliate Program?
You only receive credit for accounts that were opened using your Affiliate ID, so only those accounts opened after you joined the Affiliate Program are eligible.
Join the Affiliate Program »
If you have further questions about the DiscountASP.NET Affiliate Program, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected].